There is seriously nothing better then a super cold, sweet treat in the summer. There is nothing quite like eating ice cream on a hot day when the sun is shinning. This is though bad thing as regular ice cream contains lots of sugar and calories which are very unhealthy for our body. So, what can we eat that tastes great and has all the right nutrients? Pop stick ice cream is one good choice and can also be made using our special Kaixuan Wood sticks.
It is a great Dessert for summer which can be had by everyone Ice cream stick. Perfect, sweet and a real savior in the hot days. No matter at what scenario you are enjoying and relaxed at your balcony or chilling out on hundred of beaches, the cream comes in so many different types of flavors and with brightness as well! Banana, strawberry or peach are many of the delicious fruits you can make it with. If you want to make it even more amazing, you can add chocolate chips, nuts or caramel for a fun food.
The good thing about pop stick ice cream is, you can eat it anywhere in this world. They are also effortless to transport since they may be placed packed neatlyencodeURIComponent into a small unit. That is why pop stick ice cream is the perfect companion on picnics, camping trips or any eating adventure in the outdoors. Imagine having a pop-sickle ice cream on a sunny day with your friends.
One of the best things about pop stick ice cream is that you can easily make any flavor of your own at home. So have some fun and experiment with different ingredients to create flavors that you love. Or on the other hand possibly you can have a go yet again at this Banana Peanut Butter, or Strawberry Mint for something summer chompy. There are so many possibilities, that is what makes Kaixuan Wood pop stick ice cream so special and enjoyable.
Pop stick ice cream — there is no question that the pop stick ice-cream is easy to do With only fruit, yogurt, honey and Kaixuan Wood sticks you can enjoy an excellent time. Start by blending all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Then, pour the mixture in to ice-cream moulds. Remember to insert the Wooden round stick half-way through the concoction. After that, put the moulds in freezer for a couple of hours. Wait patiently. Your tasty hand-held pop stick ice cream is now ready to devour.
Simple But Old Styled Ice Cream In Pop Stick ice cream is an evergreen favorite to all, be it kids or adults. The kiddos are going to be all over the sugar and tasty flavors, and adults will love them for taste buds as well as health benefits of this anti-Stress Treats. Actually, making pop stick ice cream is an great way to bond your family cause it done as a teamwork and for sure you guys will be able to create lot of memory together.
Pop stick ice creams will require sticks that are solid enough to hold the weight of the heavy ice cream, yet not too heavy nor anoying to use. So you gotta get our sticks. They are eco-friendly and sustainable due to being completely natural. These sticks are no threat to our planet, as they do not consist of harmful chemicals and are biodegradable, so when Wooden craft stick is naturally breaking we will not have dumped in the nature.